Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Small Classes Key for LD Students


Harti Sulastri must repeat the spelling of “bioskop” (cinema) several times before her students are able to grasp the correct spelling.

She teaches a class of students with learning difficulties (LD) at the Learning Differences Pantara elementary school in Tebet Barat Dalam, South Jakarta.

Students with LDs encounter difficulties with reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), counting (dyscalculia) and speaking (dysphasia). They have average intelligent quotients (IQ), even higher than common students in some cases.

‘Talenta’ Eyes Special Children Future for Brighter

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"Children are history makers who will change the future of a nation."

Every child has the right to an education that respects and develops their personality and abilities. In reality, many Indonesian children — especially children with learning disabilities — do not have access to education.

It was with the spirit to assist children with learning disabilities that Arini Soewarno set up Talenta School back in 2007. Located in West Jakarta, it is one of the few schools in the country that provides primary and secondary education for special needs children. The school, which has 17 teachers and 27 students, aims to provide a suitable learning environment for children with learning disabilities.